Friday, November 12, 2010

Buon Veterans Day

Good evening. It is Veterans Day and along with remembrance of the great patriots of our country I am writing this blog. Unfortunately I missed the Rome history seminar on Saturday which I would like to apologize for. Since I missed that very important seminar I am in a unique position from my counterparts. Since it is Veterans Day here I would like to tell you guys of some history of the many wars that Rome has been through. Over 11 centuries Rome has been in 75 wars and majority of those wars occurred before the birth of Christ. Italy is second place in the history of the world next to England to have the most wars. I would just like to touch on some of the most significant wars starting with the Punic Wars.

The Punic Wars were so controversial and major that there were 3 of them. The main purpose of these wars was for the decision of who would dominate the Western Mediterranean Rome or Carthage. Rome obviously won because Carthage is no more. I would like to ask for a moment of silence for the soldiers in these wars. The next thing I would like to tell you guys about is a category that just about every country on earth has had which is a civil war. America only had one of these but Rome had 7 maybe even more. These wars were fought mainly because more than one guy claimed the power of emperor of Rome more than one time. These wars were also fought for political opinions, religion, and even anarchy.

The most famous war in my opinion was one that everyone knows about which is World War II. Of the many countries involved in WWII Italy was one of them. Italy entered the war on the side of the Axis powers after its dictator Benito Mussolini declared war on France and Britain. Italy lost this one but Rome itself came out of the war virtually untouched. I think that because Rome is such a beautiful city and because it has so much history American and German forces left it alone. But the rest of Europe wasn’t so lucky because majority of the countries were destroyed. Through all of Rome’s hardships through these wars the city is still preserved and the people stand tall.

-Tre’von Walker

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