Sunday, November 7, 2010

your such a theif

Dear context,

Today I woke up around eight o'clock to head to Sac High for a history of Rome seminar with Mr. Sullivan and let me tell you I learned a lot of cool things. For instance, I always believed that Cleopatra was an Egyptian pharaoh because that is how she is portrayed on TV shows but, boy was I wrong she was actually Greek and I was shocked to find this out. When people think of Italian food they automatically think of things such as pizza, spaghetti and pasta but, did you know that Romans didn't have tomatoes until the 16th century? I know some of you are wondering, well how they make all these famous foods without tomatoes? Simple, instead of tomatos they used olive oil. Another interesting thing I learned is that the Romans were big fans of recycling; they recycled everything, including marble that was used to build other buildings. For example, they intentionally took parts of the Colosseum and used it to build other things, crazy right? One ridiculous thing I want to share with you guys is that when ancient Romans invaded Egypt they stole huge obelisks and took them back to Rome without breaking them later on they added crosses on the top of them and began setting them up throughout Rome. I also learned that the emperor Constantine did not make Christianity the official religion all he did was tolerate it, in fact Theodosius made Christianity the official religion in 380. This means that the Pagans began to get persecuted and the Christians did not. Overall the seminar was awesome and I learned more interesting facts about Rome. I thought it was going to be an ordianry class like we have to do in school, but it was fun and interesting. Rome has so much great things about its culture.

Love, Sharqueya Drake

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